Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hosting Little Ones

I would like to offer some tips this week on hosting little people. When hosting I keep in mind that each child is a unique blessing from the Lord. They have their own personalities and should be shown the same kindness and respect that we want as adults. My goal is to make their visit just as pleasing and welcoming as it is for my other guests.  Having a simple routine and some items ready beforehand will help you host your young guests with a bit more ease. A good indication of success as a hostess of little people is that they do not want to leave your place when it is time to go home.

When I am hosting a group of children and their moms I serve a light meal or tea. While the children are occupied I like to be able to sit and chat with their moms. My goal is to keep the conversation helpful and encouraging. I try my best to guard the conversation from gossip and slander and look for opportunities to pray for the needs that are shared.

I gently welcome young guests who are first-time visitors. I show them where they can put their things, where the bathroom is, where they will be allowed to play, and most importantly where the toys can be found. Many children like to know if there is something to eat or drink and particularly what we will be eating. Once these items are covered I allow them to look around.

We have a shoe cubby to use when children play indoors. The shoes usually overflow to the floor in front of it when we have more children visit. This way everyone knows where to look for their shoes when it is time to leave.  The top of the cubby is where I put diaper bags or treasures that accompany my visitors. In the photo you can see it became a place for trays after hosting a larger event. 

I have kept or gathered items specifically to help with hosting younger children. I have a small table and two chairs, outlet protectors for the downstairs outlets, a booster seat with a tray, a pack and play with a crib sheet and baby quilt, spill proof cups, a set of dishes and utensils that are toddler friendly, a step stool for the bathroom, and a bin of baby and toddler toys that were favorites in our home. My favorite item is this Amish made stool. Sometimes a young child will sit and use the second part of the stool as a little table.

Children are, for the most part, easy to please.  I love using what I have at home for the purpose of play. I am known to run out to a delivery truck at a neighbor's house to ask for the leftover cardboard. A dress up bin of used clothes, a ready box of crayons, bubbles, blocks, and sidewalk chalk are some of my favorite items to have on hand when encouraging children to play.

I encourage healthy eating in our home. I am known to include fruits and vegetables when I host a meal. I cut up small portions for children who are old enough to eat a particular food. My snack favorites are pretzel sticks, cheese, grapes cut in half, mini carrot sticks, apples, and chips. Drink choices are usually water, lemonade, or apple juice because our homes have had light colored carpets.

Children who have been in my home will tell you that I have candy. They know where I keep it and they know I expect them not to help themselves. Candy is a treat in our home and given when permitted. I purposefully keep a candy dish out on my counter or on top of my piano.  I think it is pretty. Having a full candy dish as part of our decor has been helpful in teaching my children self-control. Yes, having an open candy dish while hosting has led to some funny stories. If the situation proved too difficult for a guest then I put it away during the visit.

I hope I have helped you to think of some ways to open your home to moms and children. We know mothers of little ones have schedules that can be tiring or lonely. Opening your home for a time of tea or a light meal where children are welcome and kept busy can be a blessing to all. We need to be good listeners who pray for and encourage one another. Hosting gives you an opportunity to do this. Take the time to think about and pray for particular women the Lord has placed in your circles. Pray for wisdom as you take the time to prepare your home for opportunities to bless others with your hospitality.

"Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." -Proverbs 16:24 NKJV