
Friday, January 29, 2016

Pastor's Wife Life

This is Jim. Many know him as Pastor Jim Stevenson of Providence OPC, but that is his current title. In other circles he is known as Jim, Jimmy, Jimbo, Chief Jim, Mr. Stevenson, Uncle Jim, and Daddy. He has worn many hats and spun many plates – some not all that glamorous at times. 

As a teacher he had circles that looked up to him. In my opinion, they should since he is one of the best teachers I have met (and that is coming from someone who taught for years). We both share a love for people and good fellowship. 

As an elder he had circles that looked up to him. I am a witness to the countless hours an elder puts in behind the scenes while maintaining another job or two. He has put down his fork at many a dinner when the crisis call would ring. He has gotten up for work the next day after a late night meeting or counseling session. He has stood up for the truth on the floors of presbyteries or general assembly. He has huddled with men over issues I will never know the details about. He does not burden me with it all. When he walks through the door with that weary look, I don't ask... I just bring him a drink, put on a baseball game, and lay down.

That is a snapshot of the profile of my husband. A glimpse of his past twenty-five years with me. The photo above is his typical look on a Sunday afternoon at our little storefront church. He is flirting with me a little through the lens which I love, but he is thinking. He is always thinking. He is thinking about what he just preached from the pulpit. He is thinking about the schedule coming up the coming week. He is thinking about what the congregants told him over lunch that day or on their way out the door. He is thinking about those he saw fall asleep as he preached the Word to them. He is thinking about his day off and..... he is thinking about me.

This is me. Tricia. Wife of Pastor Jim Stevenson. A.k.a. "his lovely wife."
Why do they say that? "His lovely wife." Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable because I know my faults, and this role is quite humbling at times. The honest truth is that it can be a lonely role for some of us. We wives of ministers try to polish up, smile, wave, shake hands, and serve the coffee. We watch our manners...well I am really trying. We try to speak without saying too much.  People need to talk and get it all out and at times I am more than willing to listen for hours. This is different for me. I am a wife, a mother, a teacher, and a friend. I love conversations that go back and forth in an uplifting way. But as a wife of a pastor I do a lot more listening for the sake of others. I pray for wisdom for simple words that will hopefully help and I take their concerns before the throne of grace.

This is Jim and Tricia on a day off. We have interests, hobbies, and like to do many things you do. We are people just like you. His job calls him to be a mouthpiece for the Lord. When he preaches he is preaching also to himself. But he can also tell you about music, cars, how to fix a washing machine, raising children, loving his wife, working hard, and a lot about baseball. You could sit with us and discuss theology any day over coffee or a burger around our table at home. We are transparent. We are like you. We are all sheep.  

"Pastor's wife of my favorite places to stop and pray is on our stairs. The cats and kids find me and do not hesitate to snuggle up or sit beside me." - I posted this the other day on my Facebook page. My son had caught me on the steps and the cat had made himself at home on my lap while I was praying. 

One of the key changes in my life becoming a pastor's wife is that I pray more than before and fervently. I do not take my role lightly. This is soul work and I need to keep my eyes fixed on Christ. Unless you are called to this place you will not know the enormity of weight that a Pastor and his wife carry. It is like watching one go through labor pains. You know one is going through it, but you can't feel it with them. We live everyday with the needs and concerns of others. We have a large set of circles interconnected in God's perfect tapestry. We mourn when you mourn. We rejoice when you rejoice. We take you before the throne of grace when you ask for prayer. We watch children grow. We want you to fix your eyes on Christ. We want you to glorify Him and be rid of pride and selfishness. We feel the sting of slander, gossip, and bitterness among people. We know what it is like to be misunderstood and mistreated, but we know the beauty and power of prayer.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is all his attributes all at once and all the time. When you come before the Lord he knows all before you speak. It is the most consoling, perfect place of rest. Our lives are transparent before Him. He knows our every weakness. It is He who called my husband to this task and me to be the wife of a pastor – not because there is anything worthy in us but because Christ in His wisdom has brought us here.  

As a pastor's wife I have grown to love hymns. I sing them, memorize them, and play them. I post photos of them on my Facebook feed. They are sometimes my "go to" when I do not have the words to pray. When life goes into a panic mode of uncertainty or I am holding the hand of one who is suffering, it is the words of hymns that often come to mind first.

The Word of God is my anchor in this role. Being under the regularly preached Word was the means of grace that was a healing balm to my soul in the trials of life. My husband's calling is to preach the Word faithfully. As a wife I respect the weekly hours of preparation that it takes for him to translate, read, study, and craft his sermons. I know he is right in the middle of that process when he is pacing around the home. He is just pulling it together. I just hug him, offer him food, and pray.

So now you have met "Jim-n-Trish" as we are known affectionately in some circles. But my hope is that you can picture your own pastor and his wife.  My encouragement to you is to pray for them often and take comfort that they are praying for you. We are ordinary people called to a task in Christ's kingdom. It is Christ who gives us strength and wisdom. Give thanks to the Lord for providing us with faithful under-shepherds who humbly serve His sheep.

"Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!" (Psalm 105:1)