Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homemaking from the Heart

The Lord created the world in which we live and called it good. We serve a perfect God who created an orderly world with beautiful detail. The order of our homes should reflect our gratitude to God for what He has lovingly given us to enjoy each day.

As the season of Fall approaches it is the time in our home to start a new chore schedule. Everyone in our home has assigned daily chores. Chores are taught at an early age and are modeled by us parents. This includes our attitude toward work and our willingness to serve others. As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work."

Children here are taught to take the emotion out of work. It is not about, "I don't feel like it." It is about, "This is what I ought to do." Children learn that a poorly done job or even an ignored one will affect everyone. For example, a table that has not been wiped after meal time will be an unpleasant place to eat at later. 

The Lord gives us each day, from dawn to dusk, to accomplish all that we are called to do. When I awake, I pray for strength and wisdom to prioritize my day. Instead of wringing my hands, fretting, or feeling sorry for myself, I give thanks for the day and know that the Lord does not give me more work than I can handle. He blesses those who trust in Him and who work with a cheerful and grateful heart.

Sometimes I like to enter a room and look around to see what needs to be put in a better place. Are toys being put away correctly? Have the shoes been returned to the cubbie or closet? Are the library books back in the front hall? When we moved, as the photo above shows, we had the advantage of working with a blank slate. As we unpacked we decided where everything would go. In our home we strive for the motto, "Everything has its place."

Fall is a good time to plan ahead and "take on" a whole room or two and bring it to a state of order and cleanliness. The goal is to dwindle things down to what you want, what you use, or what you need and then put them away in a purposeful place.

Over the years, our children have been learning how to throw away trash, recycle or reuse things, as well as give away what they truly do not need. In their own rooms, they learn each year how to care for items in a way that promotes habits of responsibility and good stewardship. A child's bedroom is the training ground for the care of a future home.

Clean, orderly homes reflect clean, orderly hearts and minds. Clutter equals chaos. Starting with the coffee table you can easily find pleasure in creating a clean, pleasant place for everyone to enjoy.

The daily tasks of meals, laundry, and dishes can be done quickly and efficiently if you do them out of habit each day. The more you practice, the easier it will become. There does not have to be a weary sigh or an online post when you do the daily chores. It has been done before (even without electricity and running water) and it is our duty.

We can do our work in such a way that we don't even have to think about it. This way we can do our tasks while chatting with a child or taking time to pray. We can enjoy working side by side with someone doing the most basic chores like folding laundry or doing the dishes. Doing the dinner dishes with my husband is an opportunity to catch up and laugh about something from the day.

The Lord blesses us with bounty each season. I often decorate with a bowl of fruit for my family to enjoy as a reminder of His goodness to us. Take delight in what He provides for your home and be thankful. If you have been blessed with more, then give to others in need. You cannot out-give God. He often returns blessings to our home when we bless others.

Pray for a heart that is willing to work. We should not look at housework as a punishment, or something to be ignored. All of us women have been called by the Lord in His word to be busy at home. It is our privilege and our duty.

Your work may have piled up around you from your own neglect of this duty. Like the old saying goes, "eat the elephant one bite at a time", but do so depending on the Lord's strength. Ask for His forgiveness if you have been lazy, if you have been dwelling or fretting to the point of not taking care of your home. Lay these burdens in His sovereign hands by praying, then get up and get moving! Work at whatever pace is best for you, but move forward each day in His strength. 

Work before pleasure is always the best way. Everyone who has hands can either use them or fold them. Your hands and heart are connected in this way. It may start slow, but in time you will find a precious delight in serving others over yourself and enjoying your sweet home to the fullest. 

Besides our daily tasks and weekly cleaning, Fall is a time we take on a project such as painting a room or improving a part of our home. Do so with a good attitude and find the fun in it! I close this post with the verse I sometimes include on the bottom of our chore chart at home.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (Colossians 3:17).

Happy homemaking dear ones!