Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Busy At Home....

I watched a robin take advantage of the puddle I created while watering my garden. This little bird was grabbing from the puddle as many pieces of muddy, wet grass that it could hold in its beak at one time. I watched it return over and over to the same spot grabbing what it could. I told one of my children watching with me that this bird was wisely taking advantage of the helpful muddy pieces while busily preparing for little ones. The effort of this little creature hard at work building its home was endearing to me.

I reflected on how I treated our own nest. I could easily be lazy or overwhelmed within the same week. I did not pace my days in a healthy way or for the right end. I realized that I was sinfully working week to week for only the goal of earning my "well-deserved me time" rather than serving others. It seemed that children, work, school, and extra commitments were putting me further and further from that goal. I found myself cutting corners, letting things go, and complaining to others. As a result, I would be lonely, overtired, frustrated, and jealous of others who bragged about their own "me time." When I "won" and carved the "me time" out, it never really satisfied me and would be at the expense of others. So what was the problem? was it my scheduling? was I not working hard enough? did God love me? Oh, the foolish things we ponder during sleepless nights of child rearing. 

To get my focus off of me I remembered that God calls me to serve my home joyfully. We have six days to labor and do all our work and the seventh is our day of rest.  God gave us this plan and it is well-suited for us. This order of work and rest is for our good and His glory. 

When we gather as a people called into the presence of the Lord to worship, seek forgiveness, and be under the preached Word we come away truly refreshed and renewed ready to serve again.  This is a foretaste of glory. One day we will joyfully serve one another in the world to come. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 is displayed in my home to remind me not to make the mistake of working this out in my own strength. The Lord who created me and knows me is the one who will grant me the wisdom I need to use my time wisely. We grow tired, weary and worried with all the tasks before us. Sometimes we fall into a sinful habit of folding our hands and selfishly giving ourselves more rest and "me time" than was meant for us. Proverbs 24:33-34 warns us, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man." (ESV)

We as women are called to be busy at home.  Busy is good, but a busybody is not. A busybody is defined as a meddling or prying person. Why would we waste our time with that? That is someone who is not only tearing down her own home but the homes of others. Ladies, do not let this be a description of you. 

Proverbs also gives us no excuse to blame others for our own mistakes in keeping a home. We read in Proverbs 14:1 "The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down." These words cut me to the heart and called me to repent of my wrong doings. This is a sanctifying process that takes time and prayer. Each day was a new day to pay off the debt of my own work that accumulated from the folding of my selfish hands.

We know the Lord will bless us who endeavor to serve at home for His glory. He gave us our hands to work and our nest to keep. Take the time to pray for a heart that desires to obey the Lord and trust in His perfect plan. Feed on His Word and seek that wonderful forgiveness and grace that He showers upon those who repent. Pray for a heart that loves the Lord's Day and let your work each week be for Him.

Now off to my own nest...