
Thursday, December 5, 2013

busy and blessed

This season is a busy time. But we moms know that for us, every day is busy. Many times we are tempted to complain about the business. God commands us in His Word to be busy and industrious at home, so being busy is a noble thing and He will bless us for it. But we need to do our daily work cheerfully, carefully, and willingly. We need to be careful not to cram too much in one day or work with a selfish attitude. This will make you miserable. If you have reached the tipping point and need to calm down, take a breath and refocus, here is some simple and encouraging advice from a seasoned busy mom to all you weary hardworking mothers:

1. Love him! First item on the list is to put your husband at the top of the list. Not you. Him. You are glued or better stated cleaved, blessed, and intimately connected whether you feel like it or not. Your goal is to be a blessing to him. This takes much prayer and thought, since none of our husbands are without flaws. The Lord knows you need him and He blessed you with him. Show him love daily. Speak kindly to him and about him. Be with him - you know what I am saying here, ladies. As my husband put it, men are simple. I counsel friends over tea that there are three things men need: good love, good food and good work. You just focus on the first two and pray for the third.  This effort will not go unnoticed. Over time, with much prayer, grace and effort you will both help to build a foundation for your home that will carry you through the busy days ahead - and just a bit more focused on your tasks. 

2. Go outside! We make sure our family stops our schedules when the stress levels begin to rise and spend some time outside. We detach from the electronics and breathe fresh air. We walk, run, play and take photos to unwind. Sometimes we just hang out, enjoying each others' company and say nothing. This is good. This is family time.

3. Play! Have family moments that are just for you and your family. We have a sense of humor in our home and if that is wearing thin than we know that the stress levels have tipped too far. We stop our day and refocus instead of plowing ahead.

4. Bake something! Bake something they like and eat it fresh out of the oven. That is what we do at home. We sometimes break up the week with something sweet.

5. Go stare at the sky! Just look at the stars and the sunrises or sunsets and thank God for the many things he has done for you. Step away from the computer and just go to your window or your porch and pray. Building a heart of gratitude takes time and prayer.

6. Check up on your kids! Each of them. How are they doing? Cuddle, listen, tuck them in (even the teens!) pray for them and with them and help them to unwind.  This is a good use of time.

7. Talk! Talk about anything and listen well. Stop the day, not to watch a movie, but to communicate together whether it be around a fire, or a table of snacks, or sprawled on the bed. Open the word of God together and soak it in. Cast your cares on the Lord and pray together. Share what you are thankful for each day. We end everyday with hugs and kisses all around. Show the love of Christ by being busy daily for your family's good and know when to be still and know that He is God.

"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105 NKJV).

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Comfort and Joy

I love the season that begins before Thanksgiving and runs through the New Year. It is one of beauty and delight. My family loves the decor, food, and traditions that we plan and prepare each year. The result is a peaceful holiday season full of comfort and joy.

This is the messiest time for my kitchen and I don't mind at all. Eventually, the flour, sugar, and cookie sprinkles will be found and wiped up. It doesn't matter because this is a happy place for our family to spend time together. Our kitchen comes alive with stories, laughter, practical jokes and music with the whir of the mixer in the background. As a result, cookie tins are filled according to my family's annual "cookie wish list" posted on the refrigerator.

Our holiday meals will be well-planned. As the season progresses, the pantry is adorned with canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, and other holiday foods that we gathered ahead of time when they were on sale. The cookie supplies are all organized and the refrigerator is stocked up with butter. We enjoy eggnog or cider now and then and try to add something extra to our everyday meals.

The children are "hired" for extra chores around the home in anticipation of decorating. Leaves need to be raked, gardens and flower beds taken care of, and extra dusting and wiping for what I call the "cobweb" season in the fall. It seems that the spiders like to come indoors if they can.

We use an index card for each child to keep track of their hired chores. The cards include the type of chore, the date it was done, and the amount credited to their "account". The money they earn is used to buy small gifts to give to one another at Christmas. They have always enjoyed having a sibling gift exchange and can tell you what each of them gave each other throughout the years. They also buy a little something for Mom and Dad to open on Christmas morning before they open their own gifts.

This is a win-win for me. Even when they were very young, my children could wipe baseboards well, especially if they were earning a little something for it. As a result my house stays in better order while we happily shop for gifts, bake goodies, and entertain others throughout the weeks.

I love to decorate with what is in season. There is something cheerful about candy canes and tiny oranges this time of year. I love having a bowl of nuts we can crack open and enjoy. Aren't seasonal foods all the more delightful when you look forward to them during the rest of the year?

We have a little wooden train I bought years ago that has been a part of a simple tradition in our home. Whether our children were toddlers or teens this tradition was a delight each year. Each of the doors open to hide a little something while counting down till Christmas.

Since I have several children and a limited budget I came up with an idea. Each day I would tuck a tiny poem or riddle into the little numbered door.  This was a clue to where a small treat was hidden in our home. We would post a schedule on our refrigerator that reminded us whose turn it was to read the poem or riddle out loud and then try to find the treat for all the siblings to share.

Each daily item was wrapped like a little present. Some examples of treats are a pack of gum, packets of hot chocolate, or fruit snacks. We also did little bags of candies, snack bars, Rice Krispie treats or even a couple of quarters. It didn't matter what it was, really. They loved playing what we fondly called "the countdown train." We even found a train whistle. My husband would blow it loudly in the evening and children would dash to the living room yelling, "Train, train, train!"

Our pets look forward to curling up under the tree or, as shown in the photo above, enjoying the electric "blanket" of lights and fake snow. We love to joke about how those poor tiny villagers in those little ceramic houses have to wake up to the mighty sleeping beast in their town.

On Christmas Eve we have cheese fondue together. We love the aroma of the melted cheesey goodness. At our table, if you drop your food into the fondue pot you have to kiss the person on your left. Our conversation is lively and our sense of humor abounds. This is a rather inexpensive meal if you use cheddar cheese as your base.

Memories always adorn the holidays. My grandmother's candle snuffer is one of the few things I have from days gone by. We sometimes hear certain songs, taste certain foods and remember stories that tug at our heartstrings. We miss those who are no longer with us. We give thanks to God for those friends and family who were so dear to us. We carry on their traditions that mean something special to us and pass it along to our own families. Our homes during the holiday season should reflect our grateful hearts.

During this season of harvest and celebration, look for ways to open your hearts and homes to others. The holidays are a wonderful time to comfort and cheer up those around us. I encourage my children to do the same for one another. For example, one morning our girls woke us up to a tree-lit, beautiful breakfast. It truly is the thought that counts when planning something special for one another. All of us can find warmth during the dark days of winter with mutual love and kindness. For me, a little buttery, sugary goodness helps, too!

"O give us homes with godly fathers, mothers, who always place their hope and trust in him; whose tender patience turmoil never bothers, whose calm and courage trouble cannot dim: a home where each finds joy in serving others, and love still shines, tho' days be dark and grim." - A Christian Home by Barbara B. Hart

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

In Plenty and in Want

The Bible states that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it. He is our great and glorious provider. We all should be grateful for the food that is before us daily. The routine tasks of shopping, preparing, planning, and cooking can sometimes weary us and our sense of gratitude for our daily bread.

Many of us vowed before our beloved on our wedding day the words "in plenty and in want." It is assumed that at some point in our marriages we will experience the want. There are blessings and lessons that come when we experience the lean times.

It is hard to imagine not wanting rich plentiful daily foods, to eat until ones heart is content, and not to worry about tomorrow. Having an abundance seems to be the more logical blessed state.

We certainly have enjoyed times when there was bounty and plenty to share. There came a time when our budget became so tight year after year as my dear husband studied and worked his way through seminary. We also discovered food allergies at the time that had us readjust much of my usual meal plans. I was learning new flour combinations and the basics of baking all over again. We made sure our children had the first helpings and divided what was left. Many times those years I lived on their leftovers or skipped lunches so there would be enough for our children. What was the blessing in that? What did the Lord do that was so amazing? He taught me the wonderful lesson of contentment. He taught me to trust Him and to desire daily bread and not more than that.

We learned to appreciate the seasons when certain foods were plentiful and cheaper. We stocked, saved, and savored food a lot more than before. We saved up for meals for special holidays and always enjoyed the Lord's Day with something more special than the usual rice and beans.

While talking about contentment, I asked my teen a hypothetical question: if I gave her a bunch of strawberries every day week after week that was more than she could eat, how much would she appreciate them? Then I asked her what if she hadn't had them for a long time and I lovingly placed some on her plate as a surprise, then what would her reaction be? The Lord opens His hand to us in His wise and loving way. If we struggle with gluttony, fretting about tomorrow, or maybe ingratitude for the rice and beans before us He will deal with His children in His most wisest and loving way.

There are wonderful resources for families to use for meal planning, budgeting, shopping for the best prices, etc. I could have blogged all sorts of tips and tricks, but the heart of the matter remains.

Are you grateful for the times of want as well as the times of plenty? Do you lay before the Lord the attitudes and habits you have formed with food? Do you take more than you should?

Dear ones take the time to plan meals well with whatever He has given you. It is the same Lord who cared for the widow and fed the prophet Elijah with the ravens. He knows our every need. Do not despair when the times are lean.

Know the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He gives us all things from His wise and loving hand. Let us yearn for grateful hearts this season and give to our dear ones in need. One can not out give the Lord. He blesses abundantly even in our times of want. He teaches you and me to depend on Him and be good stewards with the means He provides.

He has taught me how to make food stretch, the joys of hosting with what I have, and humbly being blessed by others in return. He has satisfied me with a hot cup of tea till the next meal. Food tastes better when love and gratitude are alongside it. My desire is for you to know the same sweet contentment found only in the Lord.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Manners Matter

This week we had a moment for my daughters that they will not forget. We had been invited to a special luncheon in a historic hotel downtown near where we live. We had the opportunity to meet our governor. My younger daughter was awed by the beauty of the building, the detail and decor along with the specialness of it all. This prompted me to touch on the topic of raising our children to have good manners. To sum it up, manners matter wherever you are and will help you to be a blessing to others as you put into practice putting others before yourself.

How we dress for different occasions matter. We take the time to consider our outfits. Are they appropriate for the event we will be attending? Are we modest and tasteful in our attire? Children should be clean and presentable which takes some planning ahead. 

People who know me know my purse is always "event ready" with mints, a mini-lint roller, plenty of tissues, lipstick, a small brush, chap stick for the kids, a pen and small pad of paper, to name a few items. We make sure we have had a snack before attending a function so we are not tempted to over-indulge. 

Most importantly, we prepare the kids with what I call "the speech." Our "speech" takes place as we pull into a driveway or parking lot and consists of what we expect from everyone while we attend a function. Reminders like no running, use inside voices, be sure to say hello and thank you as needed, remember to answer people's questions politely, are just a few examples. Anyone four and older is in training when it comes to manners in our home. Those younger than four are learning to sit quietly and still.

We practice formal meals at home. This helps us when we attend formal gatherings such as weddings, conferences, church functions, or fancier dinners as guests in other people's homes. We light candles, set the table a little fancier, and have a practice run with our manners.

Napkins go in our laps. Food is cut properly, chewed properly, and passed to one another properly (well, we try!). Butter is to go from the butter plate to your plate and then onto your food rather than using the butter knife directly. Children are taught to take portions that divide the food for all rather than taking more than they should. They are to ask if anyone would like some more of a particular food before dishing the last portion for themselves.

We practice proper table talk. No rude noises, loud behavior, or inappropriate conversation is allowed at the table. This helps our kids practice to be good guests in other homes. They are expected to remain at the table till excused. No one is to eat and then get up before everyone else is done. The children know that dessert can begin to be eaten after the hostess is served. These are just some of the many habits we have formed over the years when practicing a more formal meal together. Our children have been complimented in other homes, restaurants, and formal functions for their manners and behavior. These habits do not go unnoticed.

We teach our children to be thankful to hostesses. Depending on the event we will bring a small gift as a thank you. I have our children help me pick out or put together items for hostesses depending on the occasion. Many times we bring something to contribute to the dinner and ask ahead of time for suggestions. Thank you gifts, thank you notes, and expressing verbal thanks to hostesses are important forms of gratitude to teach our children. We should express gratitude for those who host us.

We have had many opportunities to host in our home. The children have learned how to make guests feel welcome. Greeting guests at the door, taking coats, showing them our place, offering drinks, and making casual conversation are all part of the routine for our children when entertaining others.

We remind our kids as the hour approaches to host what we need to have ready to help us make it a pleasant gathering. We work together as a family to make our times of hospitality a haven and respite for those who come to our home. We have special guest towels and hand soap in the bathroom, we light scented candles, and provide treats to help make our hospitality special.

We often eat buffet style at our church functions. It is important that our children learn how to wait in line, to say please and thank you as needed, and especially to take only what they will eat to help make sure there will be enough food for all.

Dessert tables are always a table of temptation for children to indulge. We expect our children to ask us how many dessert items they may have and to take only that amount. This is being considerate to others so that everyone may have some dessert. If we take more food than we should we are actually taking someone's portion. Friends, let us remember to consider others if we are tempted to overeat at a group gathering.

Our children have learned at an early age how to sit quietly. We practice during family devotions each week sitting around the table after dinner hearing God's Word and praying together. Young children will learn with practice how to sit. If they can sit through a TV show or a movie they can sit through a meeting. It is important to teach our children how to behave in settings where they are not being entertained.

We visit the library weekly. This is a good environment to practice being quiet in public. This has helped us practice how to behave in stores and other public places. We do not run freely, yell, or touch everything we see. We stand well in checkout lines and are expected to wait. This takes consistent reinforcement of what you expect and praise when good behavior is being displayed. Children who are attempting to show proper behavior will be noticed and complimented by others. It makes them feel good to know that other adults notice. 

Playgrounds are a great place to practice playing nicely with others. Waiting in line for the slide, taking turns on the swings, sharing a toy they brought with others, introducing themselves to other children, and being a help to another child are all ways this environment has helped our children practice good manners.

I was proud of my two teens this week. The practice of manners at home, around the dinner table, in public functions with people of all ages over the years benefited them as they sat in a room full of officials and adults of all backgrounds along with our mayor, first lady, and governor. The girls dressed appropriately, carried themselves with poise. and spoke well in conversation when spoken to. They were the youngest in the room but behaved as fine mannerly young women.

We should begin early to raise our children with proper manners and social graces. Children showing self-control and good manners are a blessing to others. It is a delight to see young men and women today who show self-respect, manners, and social graces in adult settings. Manners matter no matter how old we are. Let us be considerate and a blessing to others as we practice manners and persevere to raise our children well for His glory.

"Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right"(Proverbs 20:11  NKJV).

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Moving Right Along...

One year ago our family moved to a new part of the country. Over the years my husband and I have moved six times. During our seminary years we helped other families pack, clean and move in and out of homes and apartments. Moving is never easy but the more prepared you are the easier it is on you, your family, your pets and your friends. 

The news of moving was usually met with mixed emotions for our children. The excitement of a new place to live, the expectation of meeting new people and seeing new places always mixed with the reality of saying good-bye. As a family we were sensitive to each other's feelings and did a lot of discussing around the dinner table. We made sure to plan time to visit some of our favorite places and pack a souvenir or two for our new place. We gathered with friends and made the most of the time we had left together.

I remind myself when the packing process is in full swing that the home is going to look like organized chaos. If I am doing the packing myself I give myself at least a month to pack a house well. It becomes a part time job for me. I like to go room to room and sort through whatever can be trashed, recycled, donated, or sold. My best method is to "pack to unpack." This way we are bringing what we really will use and it is packed in an organized way ready to be put away in our new place. If I use my time well on the packing end the unpacking usually is done in less than two weeks.

I use extra dish towels, wash cloths, towels, beach towels, and blankets when packing fragile items. We use plain paper rather than newspaper to keep ink off of our items. Bubble wrap is a fun to have in the house while packing. It is a challenge for us not to pop it ahead of time. The children look forward to playing with it while unpacking. 

I like to start with any areas of storage such as our garage so that we can continue to add items there especially if we are in the process of staging and showing our home.  Starting with all items that are not needed in the next month and working your way down to the essentials works best. I make a list on my fridge of each room and any areas that need to be packed and work on a part of the list each day. I keep a container of packing tape rolls, dispensers, sharpie markers, memo pad, and scissors with me as I work. We switch our meals to paper goods once the kitchen is packed. We keep one set of dishes and utensils and a pot or two to use at our new place right away.

There will be moments the change may hit you emotionally. Take the time to cry, to talk it out with a loved one and pray for strength and guidance as you take one day at a time. The Lord is not wringing His hands and will guide you to your new place.

Children can be a help during the moving process. If you have grade school children or older they will do better with the move if given tasks that can help the family. One of our children researched with their siblings all the points of interest at our new place. The kids were helpful with touching up paint, wiping down baseboards, cleaning up flower beds, sweeping, vacuuming, and assembling boxes to name a few jobs. We made sure there were times to rest and play to help pace ourselves.

By the time the truck was ready to be loaded everything was ready to go. The only items left to pack were what we would be driving ourselves. We were able to do a final cleaning and have a "clean out the fridge meal" together.

Seeing all the boxes that need to be unpacked on the other end can feel a bit weary at first but if you pack well you will find that the process will move along. Even after sorting through and giving items away beforehand I still end up laughing at some point and asking myself, "Now why did we bring this?"

It takes time to settle into a new place. For us, it usually takes a year to feel completely at home. Hosting people in our new place helps. Holidays and our traditions throughout the year adds memories to our home. We encourage each other to be thankful for what we have together.
Even our pets need some extra TLC when we are in the moving process. I am happy to say our two cats did well and enjoyed the boxes everywhere for a time. I even taped some large boxes together to create a tunnel for the kids and the pets to enjoy.

If the Lord is calling you to a new place look to Him for the strength and wisdom you need. Friendships, old and new, always pick up where you leave off. If you are doing the packing yourself be sure to give yourself plenty of time and supplies. You will be glad you paced yourself over the weeks and you will fill your new place with what you really want. Our moves have never been easy but they have been a memorable time for us as a family.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Your Husband's Gift

I asked my husband to tell me a few ways I have helped our marriage be what it is today. These hands are a testimony of a relationship over twenty years in the making. If you are newly married, struggling with marriage, or desire one day to be married, here are some of the encouragements from one husband to his wife.

"You make the home a place I want to come home to. It is peaceful, welcoming, comfortable and a place I can relax."

"You have helped to build trust in our marriage by being honest, following through when I ask you to do something for me, and by being careful not to bash me in public."

"How you manage our home shows a true demonstration of your concern, commitment, and love for our family."

"You are striving to be transformed by the renewing of your mind to put off the 'old man' and live by the Spirit. You are soft-spoken, friendly, and happy which makes it pleasant to listen to you."

"You are a gift to me and I want to treasure that gift."

I wasn't always deserving of such statements and during the first years of our marriage struggled with the key marriage buster-selfishness. Mutual selfishness does not equal a true marriage and yet this is what the world encourages couples to maintain.

So what brought me out of my loud, bashing, self-pitying, wretched, untrustworthy, temper-tantrum throwing, demanding, self? A widow.

The Lord placed a dear widow as the leader of a Bible study group I was attending. She had recently lost her husband to Alzheimer's. She shared a story I will never forget. She said that when she was newly married her husband would lay his clothes all about on the floor rather than put them where they belonged. One day she was so fed up that she literally threw them all out the second story window to the muddy ground below. We all laughed thinking how this sweet leader of ours was so honest about her tempermental moment of so long ago. But then she put her eyes downward into her lap, lowered her voice and quietly said, "I would put up with all his clothes lying around today if I could be with him again."

That did it! We were all in tears. I went home that day knowing what I was going to do. I was going to hug that sweet man of mine as soon as he walked in the door. I was going to pick up his clothes for him and whatever else he needed me to do and do so with a grateful heart. God had given me a gift and I needed to be thankful.

We have been through the many ups and downs that couples face: the financial stresses, the illnesses, the job loss, the moves, the second career, the calling of parenting, the ministry stresses, the calling to the church, to name just a few. We would not change a thing because all trials are ordained by a sovereign God who gives us the grace we need and deems it for our good.

The key to "us" is we fight for our marriage. That means we are committed to it more than to our own selves. We made a vow, "till death do us part" and we live like it! This involves a lot of honest, face to face, iron sharpens iron communication. Each of us communicates differently, so over the years we have learned how the other person explains or speaks. We trust what one is saying is not meant to be mean but just said differently.

Learn what your spouse is trying to say to you. Don't jump to conclusions. Take the time to clarify, take the time to be honest, keep the emotions level, and most, importantly, don't discuss something too deep late at night. That last one is a rule we set in our home.

On our twentieth anniversary we were in the middle of a trying time at home. My husband was working full-time while attending seminary as well as serving as an elder in the church. We did not have the time or money to get away. We went to the park, took a walk, and had a meal together. It didn't matter. We had us.

When the foundation of your marriage is a commitment to each other, when Christ is your head, and the scriptures your guide, when you pray for and with one another and build a trust as best of friends, you will get through the thick and thin of it all. Do not sell your marriage short over selfishness and worldliness. Find godly couples that inspire you to press on. Keep your relationship uniquely "you" and just between you. Your children will benefit from your example and glean from the trusting, loving, peaceful place you build together.

"Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband" (Ephesians 5:33 NKJV).

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Homemaking from the Heart

The Lord created the world in which we live and called it good. We serve a perfect God who created an orderly world with beautiful detail. The order of our homes should reflect our gratitude to God for what He has lovingly given us to enjoy each day.

As the season of Fall approaches it is the time in our home to start a new chore schedule. Everyone in our home has assigned daily chores. Chores are taught at an early age and are modeled by us parents. This includes our attitude toward work and our willingness to serve others. As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work."

Children here are taught to take the emotion out of work. It is not about, "I don't feel like it." It is about, "This is what I ought to do." Children learn that a poorly done job or even an ignored one will affect everyone. For example, a table that has not been wiped after meal time will be an unpleasant place to eat at later. 

The Lord gives us each day, from dawn to dusk, to accomplish all that we are called to do. When I awake, I pray for strength and wisdom to prioritize my day. Instead of wringing my hands, fretting, or feeling sorry for myself, I give thanks for the day and know that the Lord does not give me more work than I can handle. He blesses those who trust in Him and who work with a cheerful and grateful heart.

Sometimes I like to enter a room and look around to see what needs to be put in a better place. Are toys being put away correctly? Have the shoes been returned to the cubbie or closet? Are the library books back in the front hall? When we moved, as the photo above shows, we had the advantage of working with a blank slate. As we unpacked we decided where everything would go. In our home we strive for the motto, "Everything has its place."

Fall is a good time to plan ahead and "take on" a whole room or two and bring it to a state of order and cleanliness. The goal is to dwindle things down to what you want, what you use, or what you need and then put them away in a purposeful place.

Over the years, our children have been learning how to throw away trash, recycle or reuse things, as well as give away what they truly do not need. In their own rooms, they learn each year how to care for items in a way that promotes habits of responsibility and good stewardship. A child's bedroom is the training ground for the care of a future home.

Clean, orderly homes reflect clean, orderly hearts and minds. Clutter equals chaos. Starting with the coffee table you can easily find pleasure in creating a clean, pleasant place for everyone to enjoy.

The daily tasks of meals, laundry, and dishes can be done quickly and efficiently if you do them out of habit each day. The more you practice, the easier it will become. There does not have to be a weary sigh or an online post when you do the daily chores. It has been done before (even without electricity and running water) and it is our duty.

We can do our work in such a way that we don't even have to think about it. This way we can do our tasks while chatting with a child or taking time to pray. We can enjoy working side by side with someone doing the most basic chores like folding laundry or doing the dishes. Doing the dinner dishes with my husband is an opportunity to catch up and laugh about something from the day.

The Lord blesses us with bounty each season. I often decorate with a bowl of fruit for my family to enjoy as a reminder of His goodness to us. Take delight in what He provides for your home and be thankful. If you have been blessed with more, then give to others in need. You cannot out-give God. He often returns blessings to our home when we bless others.

Pray for a heart that is willing to work. We should not look at housework as a punishment, or something to be ignored. All of us women have been called by the Lord in His word to be busy at home. It is our privilege and our duty.

Your work may have piled up around you from your own neglect of this duty. Like the old saying goes, "eat the elephant one bite at a time", but do so depending on the Lord's strength. Ask for His forgiveness if you have been lazy, if you have been dwelling or fretting to the point of not taking care of your home. Lay these burdens in His sovereign hands by praying, then get up and get moving! Work at whatever pace is best for you, but move forward each day in His strength. 

Work before pleasure is always the best way. Everyone who has hands can either use them or fold them. Your hands and heart are connected in this way. It may start slow, but in time you will find a precious delight in serving others over yourself and enjoying your sweet home to the fullest. 

Besides our daily tasks and weekly cleaning, Fall is a time we take on a project such as painting a room or improving a part of our home. Do so with a good attitude and find the fun in it! I close this post with the verse I sometimes include on the bottom of our chore chart at home.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him" (Colossians 3:17).

Happy homemaking dear ones!