
Thursday, December 5, 2013

busy and blessed

This season is a busy time. But we moms know that for us, every day is busy. Many times we are tempted to complain about the business. God commands us in His Word to be busy and industrious at home, so being busy is a noble thing and He will bless us for it. But we need to do our daily work cheerfully, carefully, and willingly. We need to be careful not to cram too much in one day or work with a selfish attitude. This will make you miserable. If you have reached the tipping point and need to calm down, take a breath and refocus, here is some simple and encouraging advice from a seasoned busy mom to all you weary hardworking mothers:

1. Love him! First item on the list is to put your husband at the top of the list. Not you. Him. You are glued or better stated cleaved, blessed, and intimately connected whether you feel like it or not. Your goal is to be a blessing to him. This takes much prayer and thought, since none of our husbands are without flaws. The Lord knows you need him and He blessed you with him. Show him love daily. Speak kindly to him and about him. Be with him - you know what I am saying here, ladies. As my husband put it, men are simple. I counsel friends over tea that there are three things men need: good love, good food and good work. You just focus on the first two and pray for the third.  This effort will not go unnoticed. Over time, with much prayer, grace and effort you will both help to build a foundation for your home that will carry you through the busy days ahead - and just a bit more focused on your tasks. 

2. Go outside! We make sure our family stops our schedules when the stress levels begin to rise and spend some time outside. We detach from the electronics and breathe fresh air. We walk, run, play and take photos to unwind. Sometimes we just hang out, enjoying each others' company and say nothing. This is good. This is family time.

3. Play! Have family moments that are just for you and your family. We have a sense of humor in our home and if that is wearing thin than we know that the stress levels have tipped too far. We stop our day and refocus instead of plowing ahead.

4. Bake something! Bake something they like and eat it fresh out of the oven. That is what we do at home. We sometimes break up the week with something sweet.

5. Go stare at the sky! Just look at the stars and the sunrises or sunsets and thank God for the many things he has done for you. Step away from the computer and just go to your window or your porch and pray. Building a heart of gratitude takes time and prayer.

6. Check up on your kids! Each of them. How are they doing? Cuddle, listen, tuck them in (even the teens!) pray for them and with them and help them to unwind.  This is a good use of time.

7. Talk! Talk about anything and listen well. Stop the day, not to watch a movie, but to communicate together whether it be around a fire, or a table of snacks, or sprawled on the bed. Open the word of God together and soak it in. Cast your cares on the Lord and pray together. Share what you are thankful for each day. We end everyday with hugs and kisses all around. Show the love of Christ by being busy daily for your family's good and know when to be still and know that He is God.

"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105 NKJV).